Catalogue from the “BMW Painting Award 2013”.
Catalogue from the exhibition “Sustratos”, Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno IVAM, Valencia.

Cuadernos. El Periódico Mediterráneo newspaper. 2 of June 2013

“En topiaria: de la metáfora como bálsamo” by Manuel Garrido Barberá.
Published at the digital magazine MAKMA.
Fanzine “Xufa # 02. Ciudad a cau d’orella”. Participating artists: Caro-ma, Clark Goolsby, Cortar Cabezas, Daniel Sanchis, Dunja Jankovic, Elena Cortés, Francisca Pageo, Isidro Ferrer, Jorge Chamorro, Luna Bengoechea, Marcos Martínez, Marta Pina, Mireia Ortega, Ovidi Sambonet, Rafafans, Sean Mackaoui, Silvia Bonanni, Sr. García, Susana Blasco and Ximo Ortega.
Catalogue from the Videoart and Video by Artist Festival “VIDEO DIALOGHI” held in Turin from 11 to 14 of December 2012 at the Velan Centro d’Arte Contemporanea di Torino, Italy.
Catalogue from the exhibition “Chelva”, 2012.
Catalogue from the exhibition “Crimen ‘011”, commissioned by Eugenia García at the Art Center “La Estación” in Denia.
Catalogue from the exhibition “Expressions del Patrimoni. Fotografies”, opened at the Museum of Fine Arts of Valencia.

Book “Los relatos de la Fénix”, illustration for the text titled “La Pataleta” written by Ana María Valdés Pastor. (p. 29).
Catalogue from the exhibition “AMBI-VALENCIAS”, Club Diario Levante, Valencia, Spain.
La Fotografía journal, nº 144, April/May 2011. Pages 6-14.
An article by Patricia Mir Soria “Cabelleras metafóricas. Notas sobre el uso del pelo en el arte contemporaneo.” (“Metaphoric hair. Notes about the use of hair in the contemporary art”). Estética y Arte Contemporáneo CBN journal, nº 2, December 2010 (Pages 78, 79 and 81).
Postcards: “Diario íntimo, Señor Cifrián”. FNAC New Talent of Photography, 2010.
Catalogue from the exhibition “Art against poverty 2010” celebrated at the Club Diario Levante in Valencia, Spain.

Catalogue from “Creación Artística 2010” Awards held at the Paraninfo Building of the University of Zaragoza, Spain.
Catalogue from the 2nd Art Meeting “Ikas-Art 2010” held at the BEC Bilbao Exhibition Centre from 17 to 20 of June 2010 in Bilbao, Spain.
Catalogue from “DKV Gran Tour 2008” Awards, which include works by Jakub Rebelka, Javier Rodriguez, Anna Kloc and Señor Cifrián.
Catalogue from “Valencia Crea X Certamen de Creación Joven” Awards. Valencia, 2009.
Catalogue from the International Contemporary and Modern Art Fair (FIART 2008). Exhibited work “The Dowry” commissioned by David Pérez.

Catalogue from “EURO-ART 2004-Visual”. Multimedia instalation: “Individuo-poder”, exhibited at the Exhibition Hall of Josep Renau, Faculty of Fine Arts “San Carlos” in January, 2004. Valencia, Spain.